Chaos MonkeyAdvanced Developer Guide
Advanced Developer Guide

Taking Chaos Monkey to the Next Level

29 min read
Last Updated October 17, 2018

This chapter provides advanced developer tips for Chaos Monkey and other Chaos Engineering tools, including tutorials for manually deploying Spinnaker stacks on a local machine, virtual machine, or with Kubernetes. From there you can configure and deploy Spinnaker itself, along with Chaos Monkey and other Chaos Engineering tools!

How to Install AWS CLI

Start by installing the AWS CLI tool on your machine, if necessary.

Simplifying AWS Credentials

You can make future AWS CLI commands easier by creating AWS profiles, which will add | configuration and credentials to the local ~/.aws/credentials file. In some cases you'll | be using two different accounts/profiles, so you can add the credentials for multiple | accounts to ~/.aws/credentials by using aws configure --profile <profile-name> commands.

aws configure --profile spinnaker-developer
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: text

aws configure --profile primary
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: text |`

In the future, simply add the --profile <profile-name> flag to any AWS CLI command to | force AWS CLI to use that account.

How to Install Halyard

Halyard is the CLI tool that manages Spinnaker deployments and is typically the first step to any manual Spinnaker setup.

  1. Download Halyard installation script.

    • For Debian/Ubuntu.

      curl -O
    • For MacOS.

      curl -O
  2. Install Halyard with the script. If prompted, default options are usually just fine.

    sudo bash
  3. Source your recently-modified .bashrc file (or ~/.bash_profile).

    . ~/.bashrc
  4. Verify Halyard was installed by checking the version.

    hal -v
    # OUTPUT
  5. That's the basics! Halyard is now ready to be configured and used for manual or quick start Spinnaker deployments.

How to Install Spinnaker

This section walks you through the most basic Spinnaker installation process, suitable for simple Spinnaker deployments.

  1. Use the hal version list command to view the current Spinnaker version list.

    hal version list
  2. Configure Halyard to use the latest version of Spinnaker.

    hal config version edit --version 1.9.2
  3. (Optional) Enable Chaos Monkey in the Halyard config.

    hal config features edit --chaos true
  4. Tell Halyard what type of environment you're deploying Spinnaker to. Most production setups will want to use Kubernetes or another distributed solution, but the default deployment is a local installation. The hal config deploy edit --type flag can be used to change the environment.

    hal config deploy edit --type localdebian
  5. Halyard requires some form of persistent storage, so we'll use AWS S3 for simplicity. Modify the Halyard config and be sure to pass an AWS ACCESS_KEY_ID and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with privileges to create and use S3 buckets.

    hal config storage s3 edit --access-key-id <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> --secret-access-key --region us-west-2
  6. Configure Halyard to use the s3 storage type.

    hal config storage edit --type s3
  7. Now use sudo hal deploy apply to deploy Spinnaker to the local machine.

    sudo hal deploy apply
  8. After deployment finishes you should have a functioning Spinnaker installation! If you've installed on your local machine you can navigate to the Spinnaker Deck UI at localhost:9000 to see it in action. If Spinnaker was deployed on a remote machine use the hal deploy connect command to quickly establish SSH tunnels and connect.

Next Steps

You're now ready to install and then start using Chaos Monkey or other Simian Army tools.

How to Deploy a Spinnaker Stack for Chaos Monkey

Manually deploying Spinnaker with the help of Halyard is the best way to have the utmost control over your Spinnaker installation, and is ideal for advanced deployments to EC2 instances, EKS/Kubernetes clusters, and the like. Choose one of the three options depending on your needs.

After Spinnaker is running on your chosen platform proceed to our How to Install Chaos Monkey guide to get started with Chaos Monkey!

Deploying a Spinnaker Stack with AWS Console

This section will guide you through deploying a Spinnaker stack with the AWS web console.


  • Install Halyard
  • In AWS navigate to CloudFormation and click Create Stack.
  • Download this managing.yaml file to your local machine.
  • Under Choose a template click the Choose File button under Upload a template to Amazon S3 and select the downloaded managing.yaml.
  • Click Next.
  • Input spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup into the Stack name field.
  • Select false in the UseAccessKeyForAuthentication dropdown.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Options screen leave defaults and click Next.
  • Check the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources with custom names. checkbox and click Create to generate the stack.


    If your AWS account already contains the BaseIAMRole AWS::IAM::ROLE you may have to delete it before this template will succeed.

  • Once the spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup stack has a CREATE_COMPLETE Status, select the Outputs tab and copy all key/value pairs there somewhere convenient. They'll look something like the following.

    Key Value
    VpcId vpc-0eff1ddd5f7b26ffc
    ManagingAccountId 123456789012
    AuthArn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/SpinnakerAuthRole
    SpinnakerInstanceProfileArn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup-SpinnakerInstanceProfile-1M72QQCCLNCZ9
    SubnetIds subnet-0c5fb1e7ab00f20a7,subnet-065af1a1830937f86
  • Add a new AWS account to Halyard named spinnaker-developer with your AWS account id and your appropriate AWS region name.

    hal config provider aws account add spinnaker-developer \
    --account-id 123456789012 \
    --assume-role role/spinnakerManaged \
    --regions us-west-2
  • Enable AWS in Halyard.

    hal config provider aws enable

Next Steps

You're now ready to install Spinnaker and install Chaos Monkey to begin Chaos Experimentation!

Deploying a Spinnaker Stack with AWS CLI

This section will guide you through deploying a Spinnaker stack with the AWS CLI tool.


  • Install Halyard
  • Install AWS CLI
  • Download this managing.yaml template.

    curl -OL
  • Now we'll use AWS CLI to create the spinnaker-managing-infrastructure stack via CloudFormation. We want to use the primary or managing account for this, so we'll specify the --profile primary, which will grab the appropriate credentials, region, and so forth.

    aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure --template-file managing.yaml --parameter-overrides UseAccessKeyForAuthentication=true --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --profile primary
Error: Unresolved resource dependency for SpinnakerInstanceProfile.

If you receive the above error while creating the spinnaker-managing-infrastructure stack you may need to edit the managing.yaml file and comment out the two SpinnakerInstanceProfileArn related lines under the Outputs block.

# ...
# ...
# SpinnakerInstanceProfileArn:
#   Value: !GetAtt SpinnakerInstanceProfile.Arn
  1. Once the spinnaker-managing-infrastructure stack has been created open the AWS console, navigate to the CloudFormation service, select the Outputs tab of the spinnaker-managing-infrastructure stack. We'll be using the ManagingAccountId and AuthArn values in the next step, which look something like the following.

    Key Value
    ManagingAccountId 123456789012
    AuthArn arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-SpinnakerUser-15UU17KIS3EK1
  2. Download this managed.yaml template.

    curl -OL
  3. Now enter the following command to create the companion spinnaker-managed-infrastructure stack in CloudFormation. Be sure to specify the profile value and paste the appropriate ManagingAccountId and AuthArn values from above.

    aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name spinnaker-managed-infrastructure --template-file managed.yaml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --profile spinnaker-developer --parameter-overrides \
    AuthArn=<ManagingStack_AuthArnValue> \
  4. Add your AWS Access Id and Secret Keys to Halyard.

    hal config provider aws edit --access-key-id <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> --secret-access-key
  5. Add your default managing account to Spinnaker.

    hal config provider aws account add default --account-id 123456789012 --assume-role role/spinnakerManaged --regions us-west-2

    Spinnaker uses accounts added via the Halyard hal config provider aws account API to handle all actions performed within the specified provider (such as AWS, in this case). For this example we'll just be using our primary managing account, but you can freely add more accounts as needed.

  6. Enable the AWS provider.

    hal config provider aws enable

Next Steps

With Spinnaker configured it's now time to install Spinnaker and then install Chaos Monkey.

Deploying a Spinnaker Stack with Kubernetes

Follow these steps to setup a CloudFormation EKS/Kubernetes stack for Spinnaker and Chaos Monkey.


  • Install Halyard
  • Install AWS CLI
  • Download this managing.yaml template.

    curl -O
    Stack Configuration

    If you need to configure the stack to your own particular needs you can easily edit the template YAML as necessary. For example, in this guide we're only using a single managing account to handle Spinnaker/Kubernetes in AWS, but if you need to also include additional managed accounts you'll want to add their respective AWS ARN strings to the managing.yaml file around this line.

  • Now we'll use AWS CLI to issue a cloudformation deploy command to create a new spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup stack using the managing.yaml template. From here on out this guide will use explicit names where applicable, but feel free to customize options as you see fit (such as the stack name, EksClusterName, and so forth).

    aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --template-file managing.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --parameter-overrides UseAccessKeyForAuthentication=false EksClusterName=spinnaker-cluster
  • The step above takes 10 - 15 minutes to complete, but once complete issue the following commands, which will use the AWS CLI to assign some environment variables values from the spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup stack we just created. We'll be using these values throughout the remainder of this guide.

    VPC_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`VpcId`].OutputValue' --output text)
    CONTROL_PLANE_SG=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SecurityGroups`].OutputValue' --output text)
    AUTH_ARN=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`AuthArn`].OutputValue' --output text)
    SUBNETS=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SubnetIds`].OutputValue' --output text)
    MANAGING_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ManagingAccountId`].OutputValue' --output text)
    EKS_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`EksClusterEndpoint`].OutputValue' --output text)
    EKS_CLUSTER_NAME=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`EksClusterName`].OutputValue' --output text)
    EKS_CLUSTER_CA_DATA=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`EksClusterCA`].OutputValue' --output text)
    SPINNAKER_INSTANCE_PROFILE_ARN=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`SpinnakerInstanceProfileArn`].OutputValue' --output text)

    You can easily output the value of an exported variable with echo $VARIABLE_NAME. However, remember that unless you export these values they only temporarily exist in the console in which you issued the commands. You may need to reissue the above commands later in the guide if you change terminal windows, so keep them handy.

  • Download this managed.yaml template. This template will create the spinnakerManaged AWS::IAM::Role that Spinnaker can use.

    curl -O
  • Execute this secondary CloudFormation deployment using the managed.yaml. Notice that this command (and many following commands) use some of the environmental variables we assigned previously, so the first stack deployment will need to be complete first.

    aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name spinnaker-managed-infrastructure-setup --template-file managed.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --parameter-overrides AuthArn=$AUTH_ARN ManagingAccountId=$MANAGING_ACCOUNT_ID

    If the second step of deploying spinnaker-managing-infrastructure-setup hasn't completed yet, feel free to skip this step for the time being and proceed with installing kubectl and AWS IAM Authenticator below. Just return to this step before moving past that point.

Next Steps

You now have an EKS/Kubernetes CloudFormation stack ready for Spinnaker. You can now proceed with the deployment of Spinnaker on Kubernetes, and then move on to installing and using Chaos Monkey. If Chaos Monkey doesn't suit all your Chaos Engineering needs check out our Chaos Monkey Alternatives chapter.

How to Deploy Spinnaker on Kubernetes

This guide will walk you through the entire process of setting up a Kubernetes cluster via AWS EKS, attaching some worker nodes (i.e. EC2 instances), deploying Spinnaker to manage the Kubernetes cluster, and then using Chaos Monkey and other Simian Army tools on it! If you're looking for a simpler Spinnaker installation, you might be interested in our Spinnaker AWS Quick Start guide.


Install Kubectl

We'll need to install the kubectl client and the AWS IAM Authenticator for Kubernetes, which will allow Amazon EKS to use IAM for authentication to our Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Download the appropriate kubectl binary. Note: For the remainder of this guide we'll be using Linux examples, but most everything applies to other environments.

    curl -O
  2. Change permissions of kubectl so it's executable.

    chmod +x ./kubectl
  3. Move kubectl to an appropriate bin directory and add to your PATH, if necessary.

    cp ./kubectl $HOME/bin/kubectl && export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
  4. Verify that kubectl is installed. The --client flag is used here since we're just checking for the local installation, not making any connections yet.

    kubectl version --client

Install AWS IAM Authenticator

We'll follow the same basic steps as above to install the AWS IAM Authenticator as well.

  1. Download the appropriate aws-iam-authenticator binary.

    curl -O
  2. Make aws-iam-authenticator executable.

    chmod +x ./aws-iam-authenticator
  3. Move aws352-iam-authenticator to an appropriate bin directory and add to your PATH, if necessary.

    cp ./aws-iam-authenticator $HOME/bin/aws-iam-authenticator && export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
  4. Test the aws-iam-authenticator installation.

    aws-iam-authenticator help

Configure Kubectl


With everything setup you can now edit the kubectl configuration files, which will inform kubectl how to connect to your Kubernetes/EKS cluster.

  1. Copy and paste the following into the ~/.kube/config file.

    apiVersion: v1
     - cluster:
         server: <endpoint-url>
         certificate-authority-data: <base64-encoded-ca-cert>
       name: kubernetes
     - context:
         cluster: kubernetes
         user: aws
       name: aws
    current-context: aws
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
     - name: aws
           command: aws-iam-authenticator
             - 'token'
             - '-i'
             - '<cluster-name>'
             # - "-r"
             # - "<role-arn>"
           # env:
           # - name: AWS_PROFILE
           #   value: "<aws-profile>"
    Configuring Multiple Kubernetes Clusters

    This guide assumes you're just configuring kubectl to handle a single Kubernetes cluster, but if you need to configure and handle multiple clusters the convention for doing so is to create a unique config file for each cluster. Simply name each config file ~/.kube/config-<cluster-name>, where <cluster-name> is replaced by the name of the Kubernetes cluster you already created.

  2. Replace the <...> placeholder strings with the following EKS_CLUSTER_ environmental variable values from earlier:

    • <endpoint-url>: $EKS_CLUSTER_ENDPOINT
    • <base64-encoded-ca-cert>: $EKS_CLUSTER_CA_DATA
    • <cluster-name>: $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
    Using a Specific AWS::IAM::Role

    If you need to have the AWS IAM Authenticator and kubectl use a specific Role then uncomment the - "-r" and - "<role-arn>" lines and paste the AWS::IAM::Role ARN in place of <role-arn>.

  3. Your ~/.kube/config file should now look something like this:

    apiVersion: v1
     - cluster:
       name: kubernetes
     - context:
         cluster: kubernetes
         user: aws
       name: aws
    current-context: aws
    kind: Config
    preferences: {}
     - name: aws
           command: aws-iam-authenticator
             - 'token'
             - '-i'
             - 'spinnaker-cluster'
             # - "-r"
             # - "<role-arn>"
           # env:
           # - name: AWS_PROFILE
           #   value: "<aws-profile>"
  4. Save your config file and export the KUBECONFIG variable to include the new config location.

    export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG:~/.kube/config
  5. Verify that kubectl is able to use your credentials to connect to your cluster with kubectl get svc:

    kubectl get svc
    kubernetes   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   31m

Create AWS Accounts and Roles

We now need to apply service accounts and roles to the kubectl spinnaker namespace. In Kubernetes, a namespace is a virtual cluster, which can join other virtual clusters and all be housed within the same physical cluster.

  1. Issue the following commands to create the spinnaker namespace, spinnaker-service-account service account, and spinnaker-admin binding. The apply command in kubectl applies a configuration based on the passed resource (YAML files, in this case).

    kubectl create namespace spinnaker
    kubectl apply -f
    kubectl apply -f
  2. Next, we're creating the authentication TOKEN environmental variable.

    TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret --context $CONTEXT \
     $(kubectl get serviceaccount spinnaker-service-account \
         --context $CONTEXT \
         -n spinnaker \
         -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}') \
     -n spinnaker \
     -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)
  3. Pass the TOKEN to the following configuration commands to set kubectl credentials.

    kubectl config set-credentials ${CONTEXT}-token-user --token $TOKEN
    kubectl config set-context $CONTEXT --user ${CONTEXT}-token-user

Add Kubernetes Provider to Halyard

The next step is to add Kubernetes as a provider to Halyard/Spinnaker. A provider is just an interface to one of many virtual resources Spinnaker will utilize. AWS, Azure, Docker, and many more are all considered providers, and are managed by Spinnaker via accounts.

  1. Start by enabling the Kubernetes provider in Halyard.4

    hal config provider kubernetes enable
  2. Add the kubernetes-master account to Halyard.

    hal config provider kubernetes account add kubernetes-master --provider-version v2 --context $(kubectl config current-context)`
  3. Enable the artifacts and chaos features of Halyard. Artifacts in Spinnaker merely reference any external resource, such as a remote file, a binary blob, and image, and so forth. The chaos feature allows us to utilize Chaos Monkey, the base form of which is built into Spinnaker by default.

    hal config features edit --artifacts true
    hal config features edit --chaos true

Add AWS Provider to Halyard

Now we need to also add AWS as another provider and account. Be sure to replace <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID> with the primary/managing account ID of your AWS account.

hal config provider aws account add aws-primary --account-id <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID> --assume-role role/spinnakerManaged
hal config provider aws enable

Add ECS Provider to Halyard

The last provider to enable is ECS. We'll add the ecs-primary account to Halyard and associate it with the aws-primary AWS account added above:

hal config provider ecs account add ecs-primary --aws-account aws-primary
hal config provider ecs enable

Use Distributed Deployment

We also need to ensure Halyard deploys Spinnaker in a distributed fashion among our Kubernetes cluster. Without this step, the default configuration is to deploy Spinnaker onto the local machine.

hal config deploy edit --type distributed --account-name kubernetes-master
Error: kubectl not installed, or can't be found by Halyard.

If you get such an error when issuing the distributed deployment command above, it likely means Halyard just needs to be restarted. Simply issue the hal shutdown command to stop the Halyard daemon, then retry the deployment edit command again, which will automatically restart Halyard before executing.

Use S3 for Persistent Storage

Let's tell Spinnaker to use AWS S3 for storing persistent data (in this case, creating a small S3 bucket). Issue the following command by replacing <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> with any AWS access key that has full S3 service privileges.

hal config storage s3 edit --access-key-id <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> --secret-access-key --region us-west-2
hal config storage edit --type s3

Create Kubernetes Worker Nodes

Now we'll launch some AWS EC2 instances which will be our worker nodes for our Kubernetes cluster to manage.

  1. Download this amazon-eks-nodegroup.yml template file.

    curl -O
    Adjust Worker Nodes

    The default template creates an auto-balancing collection of up to 3 worker nodes (instances). Additionally, the deployment command we'll be using below specifies t2.large instance types. As always, feel free to modify the amazon-eks-nodegroup.yaml or instance types to meet your needs.

  2. Issue the following command to use the template and create your worker node collection.

    aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name spinnaker-eks-nodes --template-file amazon-eks-nodegroup.yaml \
    --parameter-overrides NodeInstanceProfile=$SPINNAKER_INSTANCE_PROFILE_ARN \
    NodeInstanceType=t2.large ClusterName=$EKS_CLUSTER_NAME NodeGroupName=spinnaker-cluster-nodes ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup=$CONTROL_PLANE_SG \
    Subnets=$SUBNETS VpcId=$VPC_ID --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
  3. To connect up our newly-launched worker instances with the Spinnaker cluster we previously deployed we need to create a new ~/.kube/aws-auth-cm.yaml file. Paste the following text into aws-auth-cm.yaml, replacing <AUTH_ARN> with the AUTH_ARN variable created previously (Remember, you can use echo $AUTH_ARN to print to console).

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
     name: aws-auth
     namespace: kube-system
     mapRoles: |
       - rolearn: <AUTH_ARN>
         username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
           - system:bootstrappers
           - system:nodes
  4. Apply this newly created role mapping by issuing the following command.

    kubectl apply -f ~/.kube/aws-auth-cm.yaml
  5. Check the status of your Kubernetes nodes with kubectl get nodes. The --watch flag can be added to perform constant updates. Once all nodes have a Ready STATUS you're all set to deploy Spinnaker.

    kubectl get nodes
    NAME                                          STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION   Ready     <none>    2m        v1.10.3   Ready     <none>    2m        v1.10.3   Ready     <none>    2m        v1.10.3

Deploy Spinnaker

  1. Start by listing the current Spinnaker versions with hal version list:

    hal version list
  2. Specify the version you wish to install with the --version flag below. We'll be using the latest at the time of writing, 1.9.2.

    hal config version edit --version 1.9.2
  3. Now use hal deploy apply to deploy Spinnaker using all the configuration settings we've previously applied. This will go about distributing Spinnaker in your EKS/Kubernetes cluster.

    hal deploy apply
    Handling hal deploy apply Errors

    In some cases you may experience a deployment error, particularly when trying your first Spinnaker deployment. Often the console output is quite vague, so the best course of action is to check your Spinnaker/Halyard log files. Typically these are located in /var/log/spinnaker and /var/log/spinnaker/halyard. Since Halyard runs on Java, logs let you see the entire Java error stack trace, rather than the basic (and often useless) error name.

    Profile-related IndexOutOfBoundsException

    With recent Halyard/Spinnaker versions there's a known bug that you may experience in which an IndexOutOfBoundsException occurs during deployment when using the AWS provider. The cause usually seems to be that Halyard is assuming an explicit region value in the YAML configuration file for the AWS account being used. Even though the aws block in the config has a defaultRegions key, that seems to be ignored, which can cause this error. The current solution is to manually edit the primary AWS account and explicitly set the region value, which should solve the issue and allow you to run a Spinnaker deployment.

hal config provider aws account edit aws-primary --add-region us-west-2

That's it, you should now have a Spinnaker deployment up and running on a Kubernetes cluster, using EKS and EC2 worker node instances! Issue the hal deploy connect command to provide port forwarding on your local machine to the Kubernetes cluster running Spinnaker, then open http://localhost:9000 to make sure everything is up and running.

Select the spinnaker app and you should see your aws-primary account with a spinnaker-eks-nodes-NodeGroup containing your three EC2 worker node instances.


Next Steps

From here you can install and start using Chaos Monkey to run Chaos Experiments directly on your Kubernetes cluster worker nodes! Check out our How to Install Chaos Monkey tutorial to get started.

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